Campus Endorsements
- Principals of BMF
- Money Matters
- Global Business
- Business Management (A&B)
- Web Design
- Graphic Design and Illustration Syllabi
- Fundamentals of Computer Science
- Digital Media Syllabi
- Animation
- Art
- Spanish
Principals of BMF
Students will gain knowledge and skills in economies and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing. Students analyze the sales process and financial management principles. This course allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems and settings in business, marketing, and finance.
Principals of BMF Syllabi (A&B)
Money Matters
Students will investigate global economics with emphasis on the free enterprise system and its impact on consumers and businesses. Students apply critical-thinking skills to analyze financial options based on current and projected economic factors. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to set long-term financial goals based on those options. Students will determine methods of achieving long-term financial goals through investment, tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement planning, and estate planning.
Global Business
Students will implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce and post-secondary education. Students will apply technical skills to address global business applications of emerging technologies. Students will develop a foundation in the economical, financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become competent consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs.
Business Management (A&B)
Students will recognize, evaluate, and prepare for a rapidly evolving global business environment that requires flexibility and adaptability. Students analyze the primary functions of management and leadership, which are planning, organizing, staffing, directing or leading, and controlling. Topics will incorporate social responsibility of business and industry.
Business Management (A&B) Syllabi
Web Design
Students will learn how to use HTML and CSS to make webpages. HTML is the markup language that you surround content with, to tell browsers about headings, lists, tables, etc. CSS is the stylesheet language that you style the page with, to tell browsers to change the color, font, layout, and more.
Web Design (A&B) Syllabi
Graphic Design and Illustration Syllabi
Graphic Design and Illustration Syllabi
Fundamentals of Computer Science
This course serves as an introduction to computer terminology, computer equipment, and provides fundamental concepts for using PC-based software. Topics covered include computer hardware and its operation, operating systems and application software, networks and computer communications, the Internet and the World Wide Web, and programming. The impact of computers on our lives is explored.
Fundamentals of Computer Science Syllabi
Digital Media Syllabi
Animation (A&B)
Students will learn how to use the JavaScript language and the Processing JS library to create fun 2-D & 3-D drawings and animations using course Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation.
Animation 2 (A&B)
Students will learn how to use the JavaScript language and the Processing JS library to create fun 2-D & 3-D drawings and animations using course Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation.
Animation 2 (A&B) Syllabi
Art 1 A
The Elements of Design are the visual tools that the artist uses to create a composition. They are the parts of an artwork that an artist plans. The elements are line, shape, form, value, color, texture and space.
Art 1 A Syllabi
Art 1 B
The Principles of Design represent how the artist uses the elements of Design to create piece of artwork. The Principles of Design are balance, unity, contrast, emphasis, pattern, movement and rhythm.
Course Objectives/Description
- Art 1B is an introductory course that is designed to help students develop basic art skills and problem-solving techniques with a specific focus on Principles of Design.
- Students will demonstrate understanding of the Principles of Design through a series of projects utilizing a variety of media.
- Students will demonstrate understanding of terms used in Principles of Design.
Art 1 B Syllabi
Art 2 A Drawing
- Art 2A Drawing is a beginning drawing class that helps develop technical skills and craftsmanship, widen the scope of artistic knowledge while allowing the freedom to explore personal style and expression.
- Students will:
- Show knowledge of Elements and Principles of Design in all drawings.
- Demonstrate understanding of composition and develop their composition skills.
- Gain a greater control of different mediums.
- Demonstrate presentation of finished class work.
Art 2 A Drawing Syllabi
Art 2 B Drawing
- Art 2 Drawing is a beginning drawing class that helps develop technical skills and craftsmanship, widen the scope of artistic knowledge while allowing the freedom to explore personal style and expression.
- Students will:
- Develops and expand visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world.
- Gain further knowledge and understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design, and expressive qualities.
- Create original artwork.
- Develop a final group of art from conceptual stage through research that emphasize composition.
Art 2 B Drawing Syllabi
Art 3 A Drawing
- Art 3 Drawing is a drawing class that helps develop technical skills and craftsmanship, widen the scope of artistic knowledge while allowing the freedom to explore personal style and expression.
- Students will:
- Develops and expand visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world.
- Gain further knowledge and understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design, and expressive qualities.
- Create original artwork.
- Develop a final group of art from conceptual stage through research that emphasize composition.
Art s A Drawing Syllabi
Art 3 B Drawing
- Art 3 Drawing is a drawing class that helps develop technical skills and craftsmanship, widen the scope of artistic knowledge while allowing the freedom to explore personal style and expression.
- Students will:
- Develops and expand visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world.
- Gain further knowledge and understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design, and expressive qualities.
- Create original artwork.
- Develop a final group of art from conceptual stage through research that emphasize composition.
Art 3 B Drawing Syllabi
Art 4 A Drawing
- Art 4 Drawing is a drawing class that helps develop technical skills and craftsmanship, widen the scope of artistic knowledge while allowing the freedom to explore personal style and expression.
- Students will:
- Develops and expand visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world.
- Gain further knowledge and understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design, and expressive qualities.
- Create original artwork.
- Develop a final group of art from conceptual stage through research that emphasize composition.
Art 4 A Drawing Syllabi
Art 4 B Drawing
- Art 4 Drawing is a drawing class that helps develop technical skills and craftsmanship, widen the scope of artistic knowledge while allowing the freedom to explore personal style and expression.
- Students will:
- Develops and expand visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world.
- Gain further knowledge and understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design, and expressive qualities.
- Create original artwork.
- Develop a final group of art from conceptual stage through research that emphasize composition.
Art 4 B Drawing Syllabi
Spanish IA
In Spanish IA, students will receive an introduction to the Spanish language. They will practice greetings, discuss hobbies and reflect on a Picasso painting. The stunts will see Spanish verbs and learn to write them in the appropriate form.
Spansh IA Syllabi
Spanish IB
In Spanish IB, students will build on their foundational knowledge from Spanish IA. They will learn more about the Spanish culture by learning about Latin American food. They will be able to differentiate healthy from unhealthy food as well as explore a healthy lifestyle.
Spanish IB Syllabi
Spanish IIA
In Spanish IIA, students will increase their Spanish vocabulary and learn appropriate use of verbs. They will learn how to use the two words for “to be”, ser and estar and practice using -er and -ir verbs in the past (preterite) tense. Spanish IIA is a practical course. It includes instruction for ordering food in restaurants.
Spanish IIA Syllabi
Spanish IIB
Spanish IIB is a favorite of my students for its short nature. The course has a writing section and listening section that touches on material from IIA and an opportunity to research new places.
Spanish IIB Syllabi
Spanish IIIA
Spanish IIIA is the first of the advanced Spanish courses at Crosswinds. It is more challenging than Spanish I & II because it focuses on irregular verb tenses as well as imperfect. It includes a cultural survey of Argentina, Uruguay, the United States and México.
Spanish IIIA Syllabi
Spanish IIIB
Spanish IIIB is the second of the advanced Spanish courses at Crosswinds. It is a continuation of Spanish IIIA. You’ll explore artwork, learn more vocabulary and study Spanish culture.
Spanish IIIB Syllabi
English Language Arts
Our mission:
The English Department's mission at Crosswinds Accelerated High School is to provide challenging curriculum aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for grades 9-12. In addition, our department encourages students to use their own experiences to create post-secondary plans. As educators, our aim is to help students use writing to achieve their educational and personal goals at the highest level.
To accomplish this mission, teachers will:
- help each student increase fluency;
- work with students individually to focus instruction on specific needs;
- encourage students to think critically and to go beyond expectations;
- utilize writing as a means for students to be life-long learners.
Courses we offer:
English I
Students practice all forms of writing in this course. An emphasis is placed on organizing logical arguments with clearly expressed related definitions, thesis, and evidence. Students write to persuade, to report and to describe. English I students read extensively in multiple genres from world literature such as reading selected stories, dramas, novels, and poetry originally written in English or translated to English from oriental, classical Greek, European, African, South American, and North American cultures. Students interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work.
English IA
English IB Syllabi
English II
Students practice all forms of writing in this course. An emphasis is placed on persuasive forms of writing such as logical arguments, expressions of opinion, and personal forms of writing. These personal forms of writing may include a response to literature, a reflective essay, or an autobiographical narrative. English II students read extensively in multiple genres from world literature such as reading selected stories, dramas, novels, and poetry originally written in English or translated to English from oriental, classical Greek, European, African, South American, and North American cultures. Students learn literary forms and terms associated with selections being read. Students interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work
English II A/B
English III
Students practice all forms of writing in this course. An emphasis is placed on business forms of writing such as the report, the business memo, the narrative of a procedure, the summary or abstract, and the resume. English III students read extensively in multiple genres from American literature and other world literature. Periods from American literature may include the pre-colonial period, colonial and revolutionary periods, romanticism and idealism, realism and naturalism, early 20th century, and late 20th century. Students learn literary forms and terms associated with selections being read. Students interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work.
English III A/B Syllabi
English IV
Students are expected to write in a variety of forms, including business, personal, literary, and persuasive texts. English IV students read extensively in multiple genres from British literature and other world literature. Periods from British literature may include the old English period, medieval period, English renaissance, 17th century, 18th century, romantic period, Victorian period, and modern and post-modern period. Students learn literary forms and terms associated with selections being read. Students interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work.
English IV Syllabi
Business English
Business English is a fourth year CTE course where students recognize, evaluate, and prepare for a rapidly evolving global business environment that requires flexibility and adaptability. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students are expected to plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students edit their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English and produce final, error-free drafts for business reproduction.
Our mission:
The mission of the mathematics department at Crosswinds Accelerated High School is to prepare our students to become lifelong learners by strengthening their skills to problem solve through reasoning, critical thinking and inquiry. We aim to set our students up for advanced levels of learning by providing them with real-world problems and applications. Our goal is to inspire our students to become better decision makers, while guiding them to understand and appreciate the world via generation of informed decisions. We continuously challenge our students by providing a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum aligned to the Texas TEKS.
Our teachers strive to provide the following:
- Foster a positive learning environment for all students
- Build confidence in student’s ability to problem solve
- Small group instruction and/or individualized guided instruction
- Frequently monitor student performance and give prompt feedback
Courses we offer:
Algebra I
Algebra I provides the foundation concepts for high school mathematics. Students will be introduced to algebraic thinking and will use symbols to study relationships among quantities. They will be introduced to the relationship between equations and functions and will receive the tools for algebraic thinking as well as the training to use technology to model mathematical situations to solve meaningful problems. Foundations will be laid for all functions, with emphasis on linear and quadratic.
Algebra A/B
Algebra College Prep Syllabi
Geometry provides an opportunity to do geometric thinking and spatial reasoning. The student will study properties and relationships of all geometric figures relating to zero, one, two, and three dimensions and will be introduced to the relationship between geometry & other mathematics with other disciplines.
Grade: 9-12
Geometry A Syllabi
Algebraic Reasoning
Students will build on the knowledge and skills for mathematics in K-8 and Algebra I, continue with the development of mathematical reasoning related to algebraic understandings and processes, and deepen a foundation for studies in subsequent mathematics courses. Students will broaden their knowledge of functions and relationships, including linear, quadratic, square root, rational, cubic, cube root, exponential, absolute value, and logarithmic functions. Students will study these functions through analysis and application that includes explorations of patterns and structure, number and algebraic methods, and modeling from data using tools that build to workforce and college readiness such as probes, measurement tools, and software tools, including spreadsheets.
Algebraic Reasoning Syllabi
Mathematical Models with Applications
Mathematical Models with Applications is designed to build on the knowledge and skills for mathematics in grades K-8 and Algebra I. This mathematics course provides a path for students to succeed in Algebra II and prepares them for various post-secondary choices. Students learn to apply mathematics through experiences in personal finance, science, engineering, fine arts, and social sciences. Students use algebraic, graphical, and geometric reasoning to recognize patterns and structure, model information, solve problems, and communicate solutions. Students will select from tools such as physical objects; manipulatives; technology, including graphic calculators, data collection devices, and computers; and paper and pencil and methods such as algebraic techniques, geometric reasoning, patterns, and mental math to solve problems.
Financial Mathematics
Financial Mathematics is a CTE 3rd-year math course about personal money management. Students will apply critical thinking skills to analyze personal financial decisions based on current and projected economic factors.
Financial Mathematics A Syllabi
Financial Mathematics B
Algebra II
Algebra II allows students to continue to build on the algebraic skills of analysis of data and the foundations of Algebra I. It shows a connection between algebra and geometry and illustrates how the tools of one can be used to solve problems in the other. The course includes in-depth studies and applications of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions, and systems of equations using matrices.
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning
Students will develop and apply skills necessary for college, careers, and life. Course content consists primarily of applications of high school mathematics concepts to prepare students to become well educated and highly informed 21st-century citizens. Students will develop and apply reasoning, planning, and communication skills to make decisions and solve problems in applied situations involving numerical reasoning, probability, statistical analysis, finance, mathematical selection, and modeling with algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and discrete mathmatics.
Precalculus allows students to continue to build on the mathematical foundations laid in Algebra I, II, and Geometry. Students will use functions, equations, and limits as useful tools for expressing generalizations and as means for analyzing and understanding a broad variety of mathematical relationships. Students are expected to have a good working knowledge of a graphics calculator.
Our mission:
The mission of the Science Department at Crosswinds Accelerated High School is to provide a safe and positive learning environment where students can foster curiosity and learn skills that enable them to think critically, inquire, investigate, analyze, and understand the components of the natural world through rigorous academic and experiential activities aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
To accomplish this mission, teachers will:
- provide a safe learning environment;
- strive to provide students with clear learning objectives that include college and career readiness content, inquiry, experiential, and project-based activities;
- connect curriculum to the “real world” and integrate 21st century skills;
- provide opportunities for students to be leaders (e.g. peer-tutoring, helping others, participating in the Green and Clean student group etc.)
Courses we offer:
In Biology, students conduct field and laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical-thinking and scientific problem-solving. Students in Biology study a variety of topics that include structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; ecosystems; and plants and the environment.
Biology A Syllabi
Biology A Syllabi (Short)
Biology B Syllabi
Biology B Syllabi (Short)
Integrated Physics & Chemistry
Learning about matter, energy, and technology and their involvement with all forms of life has become increasingly important for living in today’s complex world. Through laboratory and classroom experiences, students will integrate introductory concepts in chemistry and physics to life and earth sciences. Enrichment and application will be emphasized through use of experiments, research, critical thinking, problem-solving and multicultural connections. It will also integrate the disciplines of physics and chemistry in the following topics: motion, waves, transformations, properties of matter, changes in matter and solution chemistry.
In Chemistry, students conduct field and laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem-solving. Students study a variety of topics that include characteristics of matter; energy transformations during physical and chemical changes; atomic structure; periodic table of elements; behavior of gases; bonding; nuclear fusion and nuclear fission; oxidation-reduction reactions; chemical equations; solutes; properties of solutions; acids and bases; and chemical reactions. Students will investigate how chemistry is an integral part of our daily lives.
In this course, students conduct field and laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem-solving. Students study a variety of topics that include laws of motion; changes within physical systems and conservation of energy and momentum; force; thermodynamics; characteristics and behavior of waves; and quantum physics
Aquatic Science
Students study the interactions of biotic and abiotic components in aquatic environments, including impacts on aquatic systems. Investigations and fieldwork in this course may emphasize fresh-water or marine aspects of aquatic science depending primarily upon the natural resources available for study near the school. Students who successfully complete Aquatic Science will acquire knowledge about a variety of aquatic systems, conduct investigations and observations of aquatic environments, work collaboratively with peers, and develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Aquatic Science A/B Syllabi
Students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students study the following topics: astronomy in civilization; patterns and objects in the sky; our place in space; the moon; reasons for the seasons; planets; the sun; stars; galaxies; cosmology; and space exploration. Students who successfully complete Astronomy will acquire knowledge within a conceptual framework, conduct observations of the sky, work collaboratively, and develop critical-thinking skills.
Astronomy A Syllabi
Astronomy B Syllabi
Earth and Space Science
Earth and Space Science is a capstone course designed to build on students' prior scientific and academic knowledge and skills to develop an understanding of Earth's system in space and time.
Environmental Systems
Students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem-solving. Students study a variety of topics that include: biotic and abiotic factors in habitats, ecosystems, and biomes, interrelationships among resources and an environmental system, sources and flow of energy through an environmental system, the relationship between carrying capacity and changes in populations and ecosystems, and changes in environments.
Enviornmental Systems A/B
Anatomy and Physiology
Students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem-solving. Students in Anatomy and Physiology study a variety of topics, including the structure and function of the human body and the interaction of body systems for maintaining homeostasis.
A&P A Syllabi
A&P B Syllabi
Forensic Science
Forensic Science is a course that uses a structured and scientific approach to the investigation of crimes of assault, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, accidental death, homicide, and the psychology of criminal behavior. Students will learn terminology and investigative procedures related to a crime scene, questioning, interviewing, criminal behavior characteristics, truth detection, and scientific procedures used to solve crimes. Using scientific methods, students will collect and analyze evidence through case studies and simulated crime scenes such as fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and blood spatter analysis. Students will learn the history, legal aspects, and career options for forensic science.
Forensic Science Syllabi
Social Studies
Our mission:
The Social Studies Team at Crosswinds Accelerated High School is committed to developing critical thinkers and responsible citizens who are prepared with the education, skills, and attitudes, they need to be successful and happy in our ever-changing country and global society.
To accomplish this mission, teachers will:
- Provide a safe, effective learning environment for everyone
- Strengthen student connectedness with meaningful, productive relationships
- Improve student performance and outcomes- we want students to be ready for life, be it college, career, or military, and beyond
- Create life-long learners and foster a curiosity and love for Social Studies
- Prepare students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills they will need in life
- Create socially, politically, fiscally, and environmentally informed citizens and contributors to society
Resource links:
Government & Economics Resources -
World History & Sociology Resources -
Psychology Resources -
Other helpful links:
Courses we offer:
World Geography Studies
In this course, students examine people, places, and environments at local, regional, national, and international scales. Students describe the influence of geography on events of the past and present. A significant portion of the course centers on the physical processes that shape patterns in the physical environment; the characteristics of major land forms, climate, and ecosystems and their interrelationships; the political, economic, and social processes that shape cultural patterns of regions; types and patterns of settlement; the distribution and movement of world population; relationships among people, places, and environments; and the concept of region.
World Geography A Syllabi
World History Studies
World History offers an overview of the entire history of humankind. The major emphasis is on the study of significant people, events, and issues from the earliest times to the present. This course is designed to provide students with a vital understanding of the past in order to help them understand their own times. Attention is given to growth of ideas, the arts, religion, education, literature, and other aspects of intellectual and social history, as well as political, geographic, and economic history of world cultures. Students use the process of historical inquiry to research, interpret, and use multiple sources of evidence.
World History Syllabi
United States History Studies Since 1877
In this course, the second part of a two-year study of U.S. history that begins in Grade 8, students study the history of the United States from Reconstruction to the present through the use of reading, research, writing, and interpretation of maps, charts, graphs, and tables. Historical content focuses on political, economic, military, diplomatic, and social events and issues, including the contributions of significant groups and individuals to the history of this country, and the impact of geographic factors on major events. An important part of the content is the development and application of the principles of citizenship. Students will use critical thinking skills to explain and apply methods of interpreting the past, including points of view and historical context. They will use a variety of rich primary and secondary source material, such as biographies and autobiographies, Supreme Court cases, novels, speeches, letters, diaries, poetry, songs, artworks, photographs, documentaries, and films.
United States History Syllabi
United States Government
This course focuses on the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded and on the structure, functions, and powers of government at the national, state, and local levels. Students learn major political ideas and forms of government in history. A significant focus of the course is on the U.S. Constitution, its underlying principles and ideas, and the form of government it created. Students analyze major concepts of republicanism, federalism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights, and they compare the U.S. system of government with other political systems.
Government Syllabi
This course is a comprehensive study of the American free enterprise economy. It includes the study of basic concepts of economics, the market system, the American business system, labor unions, money and banking, business cycles, consumer skills, the role of government in free enterprise, and comparative economic systems. Emphasis is placed upon economic decision-making and personal development strategies.
Economics Syllabi